Press Room
Press Room
VS Media Limited Announces Pricing Of Initial Public Offering
VS Media establishes new content creator arm with web3 agency
社交電商方興未艾 VS MEDIA強大網絡助攻
內地嚴打靠靚營銷賣假貨 顏值經濟概念股走樣
人物對談:VS MEDIA創辦人兼行政總裁黃雅芬
Study: Hongkongers open to indirect advertising from influencers
新媒體達人黃雅芬 當橋樑做伯樂 憑敏銳市場觸覺 助創作者展才藝
調查:港人網購每月平均消費額近3000元 四成人曾在直播帶貨中消費
McCafé banks on 'mega influencer' as one-day barista for social campaign with gamification twist
Rewarding loyalty helps brands make gains in Hong Kong's top local brands ranking